The successful candidate(s) will participate in the development of density functional theory based quantum transport algorithms. In particular we aim at tackling problems related to large-scale simulations and many body effects and at investigating how the electrostatic environment affects the transport properties of nanodevices in wet conditions. The projects will have a code development component and will involve simulations of devices with potential technological applications.
All the positions are within a CRANN-KAUST collaboration. The successful candidates will be located either at the TCD of the KAUST campus, but frequent exchange and training periods are planned during the duration of the project. A strong overall motivation and a keen interest in theory and computation, as well as in interdisciplinary work between physics, materials science and biology are required. Experience with the UNIX/Linux environment and with programming in either Fortran or C/C++ would be an advantage. Large computational infrastructure will be available to the project both in Ireland ( and and at KAUST. In particular the use of the KAUST Shaheen supercomputer ( is planned.
Post Title: PhD Studentship in Advanced Electronic Transport Theory (3 positions)
Post Status: Three Year contract
Department/Faculty: Centre for Research on Adaptive Nanostructures and Nanodevices (CRANN) and King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)
Location: School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin or King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
Reports to: Professor Stefano Sanvito at CRANN or Professor Udo Schwingenschlögl at KAUST.
Closing date: 12 noon on 17th December 2010
Salary Range: CRANN salary – €16,200 per annum plus Fees /KAUST salary – 25,000 US dollars per annum plus Fees, accommodation and Health Insurance package
For further information contact Prof. Sanvito at and Prof. Schwingenschlögl at
Applications must include a letter of application detailing how you meet the selection criteria for the post, together with a Curriculum vitae and the name and contact details of referees (e-mail address if possible) and a short statement of research interests.
Please send applications via e-mail with Subject Line “PhD Studentship (Full-time)” to, Stefania Negro, School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, IRELAND. WE WELCOME APPLICATIONS BY EMAIL
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