Description: An Authorized Dealer Yamaha located in Bogor - Depok with four branches already underway, and will develop a few more branches in the Greater Jakarta area.
Address:Jl. Raya Parung No. 106 Kp. Jati Parung Bogor
Phone: 0251 - 8602296-8Fax: 0251-8602295
Vacancy for:
1. Deputy Branch Manager (MSA)
2. Sales Supervisor (SS)
3. Counter Sales (SC)
4. Salesman / Girl (SL)
5. Mechanics (MK)
6. Office Boy (OB)
Working on Location: Bogor - Depok
* Education Min. S-1 (DBM) and SMA (SS, SC, SL), STM Automotive (MK, OB)
* Male / Female, Except Women's SC
* Age Maximum 35 years (DBM, SS, SL), 25 th (SC, MK, OB)
* Experience as a Sales Supervisor min. 2 Th (DBM), a Th as a supervisor / 3 Th as a salesman for the (SS)
* Having own vehicle (SS, SL)
* Honest, Diligent, Tough and ready to work under pressure.
Mailing Address, etc.: Please send complete resume Via MAIL
Dept. PT. Muas Mandiri
Jl. Raya Parung No. 106 Kp. Jati Parung Bogor
Date. Closure: 8 August 2010